

Saturday, November 26

i lost you


i lost you.

just like the time i ran down the sidewalk and my shoe came off. like the time i set something aside, but i could never find it again. like the memory i can't recollect, but i see your eyes and i know something is wrong.

you gave up on me. left me by your door and walked away like you didn't remember my name.

i watched the sunset in the sideview mirror and the car lights blurred behind. the sky ahead with the dark blue that leaks from your soul. this heart loses a little more hope every time i see your face. this heart aches a little more with every step. turning the color of that beaten sky.

maybe we'll never get it back. and maybe that's okay.

(but that's just it. i don't want that to be okay. i'm afraid of losing things and gaining nothing.)



  1. we're closer to losing things than holding on to them. but i'm right here, and i always will be. promise.

    1. speak the truth until this heart is raw diamond because that's exactly what i need. i love you. be here always.

  2. Aw Cally, can I please give you hug? <3 Love you girl!

    1. CAN I GIVE YOU AN ENTHUSIASTIC YESSSS. <3 you are the sweetest thing, Elizabeth. x i love you too!

  3. I can relate to this. Thank you


  4. THIS Is SO DEEP. Oh my goodness. I am torn

    1. YO HOLLA. God is good. i want you to know that right now. right NOW. because the sky is this wild blue, and the wind is this crazy sweet, and my heart is this...scared little baby. *dies laughing* but oh man. i'm scared to lose things. i really, really am. and that thought struck me today, and i am trembling all over the place. but God is good, right? and that means that when He takes away, it is also good.
      take a deep breath.
      we're good here. go get 'em.

  5. Hello! I love your blog so much; you have a really beautiful design! Such a beautiful post, really, so much emotion displayed through so little words - you truly have a gift. I have followed your blog because I think it’s so good!!! I would love it if you had a look at my blog; I’m a very passionate teenage blogger but I’m quite new and really need the support! Perhaps we could become friends? Thank you so much // Jeani xxx

    1. HEY. YOU ARE SO SWEET. MY GOODNESS. took a look at you blog, and it's not really my thing, you know? there's a deeper meaning to that. just ask me if you want to hear. but hey! good luck out there. x thanks for stopping by.
