

Monday, February 29

the noisy silence

via pinterest

i have come to realize that i am nothing more.

i am full of yawning, and rubbing my eyes.
angry tears and sad sniffles.
loud mornings that talk of laziness --
the kind that leaves you more tired than you were before you slept.

the shower is warm and i spend my time thinking,
but we are left with silence that rings in my ears so loud i can hardly bear it.

your ears become accustomed to noises you hear constantly,
and i think i miss the noise.

sit with me awhile, Lord, and do not let me sift through these thoughts.
for they are all the more loud in the silence.
be still, o my soul, o my mind.

the Lord is here and he is peace.
teach me peace in the silence.


via pinterest

chase these lines on my hands
and find that they lead to nothing
no awed ending nor
any meaningful word.

sometimes the things we chase after
are, indeed, nothing at all.
a faded glimpse, a book with missing pages.

so please do not be disappointed
when you reach the end and find

that i am just a muddled mess.

from dust i came and to dust i'll go.