

Monday, September 28

you were once a tree.

You once were a tree,
standing tall and proud.
Green and fierce,
strong against the wind that howled.
Innocent and fearless,
anything but broken.

You once held pure laughter in your eyes,
and your heart was red and beating.
Nothing stood in your way,
a sapling yet to behold glory.
A young soul,
a good soul.

I don't know how it started,
or when. 
But poison seeped in,
down to those fresh, brown roots.
Leaves turned bitter,
and your apples bore worms.
Blackness poured out of your
bark, the grass beneath you withered.

And with every thing that ran
through my veins,
I didn't want to believe it.
Too young, too innocent.
But we all know that was wrong.
You can never be too young.
Innocence fades as the world dawns.

So you chose your path.
With the world, with the world.
And you laughed, your voice
scratching against my ears.
You looked upon me 
as if I was the foolish one.

You once were a tree,
ready to grow in the sunlight.
Ready to accept the storms
and to grasp onto hope.
But now you are a tree
withering with poisoned roots,
thinking you're as healthy as can be.
How wrong you are. 

Sunday, September 27

i hold it in my hand...

i hold it in my hand, 
staring down at it.


the world doesn't stop, 
and i am still breathing. 

i suppose i expected this.
i knew this would happen.

but there was just a silver of hope hiding in my soul,
yearning for something more.

i cannot grasp it.

Monday, September 21



She was a messy girl.
Her words were thrown across paper
In messy handwriting. 
Her hair was thrown up in a bun,
With hands covered in messy splatters of paint.
Her heart was thrown around in pieces,
And her soul covered with messy love.
She was a messy girl,
Because plain things scared her.

Saturday, September 19

fragile words

some place over the moon

i don't need to have my words thrown across the world,
for all to behold and gasp in wonder.
i don't need fame and fortune and to be held in high honor.

but really, all i need, is for you to read my words,
and store them away someplace safe.
because they are fragile and only made for whispers
and soft breezes on hard days.

keep 'em safe, dear.

Tuesday, September 15

in circles

and the world before my eyes was spinning in circles,
in circles, in circles.

i was crumbling hard, but i spun faster in circles,
in circles, in circles.

words stumbled out of my mouth,
and i could hardly keep the tears from tumbling out.
a goodbye trembled on my tongue,
and fell out into ruins, into ruins.

the waves came graceful and relentless,
taking collisions of sounds away.

until i was left with smoldering flames of
"i miss you"s and "i love you"s.

Friday, September 11

A Letter to September

dear September,

you have hit me hard.

I'm not quite sure what I mean by that. 

Perhaps I've been in a flurry of busyness and turning and finding and falling. You've hit me in the chest and all my breath has escaped from my grasp.

Time keeps going and going, and I feel like I am falling behind. 

But, I find that it's okay.

I'm not upset, I'm not in a hurry, I'm not lost. 

I'm in-between flying and being stuck on the ground. 

I can touch the stars with my fingertips, but I cannot hold onto them. My feet brush against the red dirt upon the ground, but not quite buried in it. 

Oh, September, how I finally understand you. You aren't quite in Autumn, you aren't quite in Spring. A little of both, I suppose. Pieces of both tucked into a coat pocket. 

And we're both okay with it.

With love,


it was a faint smell, 
but i recognized it.

the smell of campfire smoke
that sinks into
e v e r y 
l i t t l e
t h i n g
it touches.

it broke me right then,
when i realized it.

the smell of a million memories
buried deep in my roots.
something i couldn't escape,
even if i wanted to.

it was a part of me,
wrapping itself around my heart,
rejoicing in every heart beat.

just seeping into my bones,
as a river flows through the mountains.
blue skies that burn themselves into your memory,
the heavy, fresh dirt that sinks into your shoes.

it was just a smell,
but even those can be powerful. 

Wednesday, September 2

i hardly understand you anymore

i hardly understand you anymore

i don't know if you decided i wasn't worth it
or if you thought you weren't worth it

you're searching for a place,
and you say you're not,
but maybe because you haven't found it yet.

i hardly understand you anymore
and it's breaking my heart

because i saw you growing
but now you're withering

you leaving.

i don't know why.
it hurts.

you never even said goodbye.

and i'll never understand why i loved you
but...maybe it was because you needed someone too.

goodbye, tired boy.

i'll miss you.
