standing tall and proud.
Green and fierce,
strong against the wind that howled.
Innocent and fearless,
anything but broken.
You once held pure laughter in your eyes,
and your heart was red and beating.
Nothing stood in your way,
a sapling yet to behold glory.
A young soul,
a good soul.
I don't know how it started,
or when.
But poison seeped in,
down to those fresh, brown roots.
Leaves turned bitter,
and your apples bore worms.
Blackness poured out of your
bark, the grass beneath you withered.
And with every thing that ran
through my veins,
I didn't want to believe it.
Too young, too innocent.
But we all know that was wrong.
You can never be too young.
Innocence fades as the world dawns.
So you chose your path.
With the world, with the world.
And you laughed, your voice
scratching against my ears.
You looked upon me
as if I was the foolish one.
You once were a tree,
ready to grow in the sunlight.
Ready to accept the storms
and to grasp onto hope.
But now you are a tree
withering with poisoned roots,
thinking you're as healthy as can be.
How wrong you are.